///////////////////////////////// // // // DUPLIVERTS SCRIPT v0.45 // // interface corrections:VM // // // ///////////////////////////////// // // DESCRIPTION: // // This script will duplicate a selected object or objects, and automatically move them to // a second specified target object's vertices. It is based on the idea of the "dupliverts" tool // in Blender 3D, though no code was taken from that program. Also, instead of just creating // instances of the object like Blender does, this script actually creates and groups an // entire set of duplicated objects! // // Features include: // - ability for multiple "child" objects per parent object // - support for randomization of scale, rotation, and translation (including ability to limit // randomization of certain translation axies) // - ability to specify percent coverage of duplication onto "parent" object's vertices // - ability to align specified axies of child object to "parent" object's normals // - ability to name output objects and group // - poly or nurbs objects can be duplicated // // TO USE: // // - Select object to be duplicated (poly or nurbs). If more than one, the script will // randomly assign a different on to each vertex. // - Select the target object LAST (MUST be poly object) // - Run the script, specify desired values, and hit "Dupliverts" // - All objects should have the same origin point to work correctly // // THANKS: // // Thanks to Andrew Martin for help on getting some of the coding issues worked out for a // beginning MEL script writer; also, thanks to Malcolm Kesson for his great explanation // of aligning axies to a vector, which you can find at http://www.fundza.com/mel/axis_to_vector/align_axis_to_vector.html. // // Also, sorry for the poor coding protocol; I'm pretty new to this stuff and I'm sure // some of it is not written the best. As always, feel free to e-mail me suggestions // at jessenelson@huntington.edu or on my blog at http://nelsonjesse.blogspot.com. // // LIABILITY: // // I am NOT liable for any damage this script may cause to your computer or files, including crashing // Maya, erasing saved files, etc. However, it has worked fine for me so for. :) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // START OF SCRIPT: // // procedure to convert vector to rotation proc float[] aimY(vector $vec) { float $out[2]; float $xAngle, $zAngle, $xyLength, $vecLength; $xyLength = sqrt(($vec.x) * ($vec.x) + ($vec.y) * ($vec.y)); $vecLength = sqrt(($vec.x) * ($vec.x) + ($vec.y) * ($vec.y) + ($vec.z) * ($vec.z)); // $xyLength will be zero when $vec is pointing // along the +z or -z axis if($xyLength == 0) $zAngle = ($vec.x) > 0 ? deg_to_rad(90) : deg_to_rad(-90); else $zAngle = acos(($vec.y)/$xyLength); $xAngle = acos($xyLength/$vecLength); $xAngle = ($vec.z) > 0 ? $xAngle : -$xAngle; $out[0] = rad_to_deg($xAngle); $zAngle = ($vec.x) > 0 ? -$zAngle : $zAngle; $out[1] = rad_to_deg($zAngle); return $out; } // procedure to duplicate and align one object to another object's vertices proc dupliverts (int $objAlign, float $randObjScale, float $randObjRot, float $randObjPos, float $randObjCov, int $xRestrict, int $yRestrict, int $zRestrict, string $usrObjName){ //finds number of objects and verts, and stores the data string $objName[] = `ls -sl`; int $numObj = size($objName); select $objName[$numObj-1]; int $numVerts[] = `polyEvaluate -v`; //group for storing duplicated objects group -em -w -n ($usrObjName + "GRP"); // determines if there needs to be a temp object duplicated, and if so, does it if ($objAlign > 0) { duplicate -n "tempObject" $objName[$numObj-1]; polyAverageNormal -prenormalize 0 -allowZeroNormal 0 -postnormalize 0 -distance 0.1 -replaceNormalXYZ 1 0 0 tempObject; } // randomizes the list of vertices int $ar[]; int $x; int $temp; for ($mix = 0; $mix <= ($numVerts[0] - 1); $mix++) { $ar[$mix] = $mix; } for ($inc = 0; $inc <= ($numVerts[0] - 1); $inc++) { $x = `rand 0 $numVerts[0]`; $temp = $ar[$x]; $ar[$x] = $ar[$inc]; $ar[$inc] = $temp; } //gets percent coverage specified by user float $covPF = ($numVerts[0] * $randObjCov)/100; int $covPI = `floor ($covPF + 0.5)`; int $whichBall; //values for random position movement float $amountPosX; float $amountPosY; float $amountPosZ; // loop for duplicating the object onto the verts for ($i = 0; $i <= ($covPI - 1); $i++) { $whichBall = `rand 0 ($numObj-1)`; float $vtxPos[] = `pointPosition ($objName[$numObj-1] + ".vtx[" + $ar[$i] + "]")`; duplicate -n ("ball"+ $i) $objName[$whichBall]; //random scale of object float $amountScale = `rand (1-$randObjScale) (1+$randObjScale)`; scale -r $amountScale $amountScale $amountScale ("ball"+ $i); move $vtxPos[0] $vtxPos[1] $vtxPos[2] ("ball" + $i); //determines which axis to align object to if ($objAlign > 0) { switch ($objAlign) { case 1: float $normXYZ[] = `polyNormalPerVertex -q -xyz ("tempObject.vtx[" + $ar[$i] + "]")`; vector $v = <<$normXYZ[0],$normXYZ[1],$normXYZ[2]>>; float $a[] = aimY($v); rotate $a[0] 0 $a[1] ("ball" + $i); rotate -r -os 0 0 90 ("ball" + $i); break; case 2: float $normXYZ[] = `polyNormalPerVertex -q -xyz ("tempObject.vtx[" + $ar[$i] + "]")`; vector $v = <<$normXYZ[0],$normXYZ[1],$normXYZ[2]>>; float $a[] = aimY($v); rotate $a[0] 0 $a[1] ("ball" + $i); break; case 3: float $normXYZ[] = `polyNormalPerVertex -q -xyz ("tempObject.vtx[" + $ar[$i] + "]")`; vector $v = <<$normXYZ[0],$normXYZ[1],$normXYZ[2]>>; float $a[] = aimY($v); rotate $a[0] 0 $a[1] ("ball" + $i); rotate -r -os -90 0 0 ("ball" + $i); break; default: break; } } //random translation of object if ($xRestrict == 1) { $amountPosX = `rand (0-$randObjPos) $randObjPos`; } else { $amountPosX = 0; } if ($yRestrict == 1) { $amountPosY = `rand (0-$randObjPos) $randObjPos`; } else { $amountPosY = 0; } if ($zRestrict == 1) { $amountPosZ = `rand (0-$randObjPos) $randObjPos`; } else { $amountPosZ = 0; } move -r -os $amountPosX $amountPosY $amountPosZ ("ball" + $i); //random rotation of object rotate -r -os (`rand (0-$randObjRot) ($randObjRot)`) (`rand (0-$randObjRot) ($randObjRot)`) (`rand (0-$randObjRot) ($randObjRot)`) ("ball" + $i); } //renames object to user defined name and parents to the new group for ($name = 0; $name <= ($covPI - 1); $name++) { rename ("ball"+ $name) ($usrObjName + $name); parent ($usrObjName + $name) ($usrObjName + "GRP"); } //deletes temp object used to get normal data if ($objAlign > 0) { delete tempObject; } } // creates window with controls for user if (`window -exists ctrlWindow`) deleteUI ctrlWindow; if (`windowPref -exists ctrlWindow`) windowPref -remove ctrlWindow; window -title "Dupliverts" -widthHeight 300 355 ctrlWindow; columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 5 -columnWidth 255; floatSliderGrp -cw3 90 1 75 -label "Percent Coverage" -field true -min -0 -max 100 -ss .01 -v 100 -columnAlign 1 "right" randCov; floatSliderGrp -cw3 90 1 1 -label "Size Jitter" -field true -min -0 -max 1 -ss .01 -fmx 100 -columnAlign 1 "right" randSize; floatSliderGrp -cw3 90 1 1 -label "Rotation Jitter" -field true -min -0 -max 10 -ss .01 -fmx 100 -columnAlign 1 "right" randRot; setParent ..; rowLayout -numberOfColumns 4 -width 350; floatSliderGrp -cw3 90 1 75 -label "Position Jitter" -field true -min -0 -max 1 -ss .01 -fmx 100 -columnAlign 1 "right" randPos; checkBox -l "X" -v 1 xRestrPos; checkBox -l "Y" -v 1 yRestrPos; checkBox -l "Z" -v 1 zRestrPos; setParent ..; columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 5 -columnWidth 150; separator -w 50; text -label "Object output name" -align "center"; textField -w 10 -tx "obj" objName; separator -w 50; setParent ..; columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 5 -columnWidth 255; text -label "Which axis would you like to align?" -align "left"; setParent ..; int $alignVal; rowLayout -numberOfColumns 4 -width 350; radioCollection; radioButton -sl -l "No Align" -onc "$alignVal = 0" noAlign; radioButton -l "X Axis" -onc "$alignVal = 1" xAlign; radioButton -l "Y Axis" -onc "$alignVal = 2" yAlign; radioButton -l "Z Axis" -onc "$alignVal = 3" zAlign; setParent ..; columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 5 -columnWidth 255; button -label "DUPLIVERTS" -command "dupliverts ($alignVal, `floatSliderGrp -q -v randSize`, `floatSliderGrp -q -v randRot`, `floatSliderGrp -q -v randPos`, `floatSliderGrp -q -v randCov`, `checkBox -q -v xRestrPos`, `checkBox -q -v yRestrPos`, `checkBox -q -v zRestrPos`, `textField -q -tx objName`)"; setParent ..; setParent ..; showWindow ctrlWindow;